About logframeadmin

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So far logframeadmin has created 11 blog entries.

Logframe has evolved!!! We have a COO – Chief Operating Officer

2018-11-05T14:06:47+00:00 September 13th, 2018|Sem categoria|

Logframe has evolved!! We have a COO - Chief Operating Officer Since the creation of Logframe in 2006 that the organizational structure of the company was the same, with Paulo Teixeira accumulating CEO and COO functions, in other words, accumulating all the functions, from communication to external relations, team [...]

Logframe responsible for the external evaluation of the II National Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Resolution of the United Nations Security Council n.o 1325 (2000) about Women, Peace and Security (2014-2018)

2018-11-05T13:37:36+00:00 September 13th, 2018|Sem categoria|

Logframe responsible for the external evaluation of the II National Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Resolution of the United Nations Security Council n.o 1325 (2000) about Women, Peace and Security (2014-2018) It is with great satisfaction that we receive the challenge to evaluate the II National [...]

We continue to collaborate with the PARTIS Program

2018-11-05T14:07:36+00:00 September 12th, 2018|Sem categoria|

  We continue to collaborate with the PARTIS Program Logframe will continue to collaborate with great pleasure and pride with the PARTIS Program - Artistic Practices for Social Inclusion, of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. The period for applications is in course until September 20 and you can know everything [...]

Logframe deepens its collaboration with EDP Production

2018-11-05T13:46:36+00:00 September 12th, 2018|Sem categoria|

Logframe deepens its collaboration with EDP Production Logframe just agreed a technical support in the area of capacity building with EDP Production under the Traditions Program. We had already collaborated in the previous edition of the Program, but now we will be side by side with the EDP team, [...]