Let’s change the world together!
Paulo Teixeira
Areas of interest / work: Evaluation and Monitoring, Strategic and Operational Planning, Social Innovation, Communication, Photography
Paulo Teixeira, born in Lisbon where he still lives today, is a sociologist with more than 20 years of work experience in the area of social intervention in Portugal and internationally.
He is a social entrepreneur who created Logframe – Consultoria e Formação / Consulting and Training, Lda., with the aim to be able to develop his ideas and create different dynamics in the social area, assuming the mission of creating and increasing the social impact of programs, projects and organizations, with his clients and partners.
His social concerns revealed themselves from an early age, long before he dreamed that this would be his profession, having been involved in several organizations and projects which aimed to diminish or solve social problems.
He is an experienced consultant, evaluator, and educator/trainer, working regularly with this functions for prestigious national and international organizations such as the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the European Commission, the High Commission for Migration, European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN – Portugal), Portuguese Catholic University (ou Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), The Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV), Portuguese Committee for UNICEF, and many others.
Beyond his passion for the work in favor of change and social impact, he was basketball player and coach and he has a passion for photography which began in his youth fostered by his mother, a great fan of photographic art. From an early age the cameras were in his hands while photographing everything and everyone, and developing his “photographic projects”.
His natural curiosity and a willingness to learn made him invest in his self-training in the field of photography. Later he complemented his training with short-term training actions and specialized workshops. The desire to join his professional experience and sensitivity to social issues with his passion for photography was the genesis of the Humane Focus project, a project of humanitarian photography that he launched in 2017.
At the moment he embraced the challenge of the Ph.D. in Communication Sciences, and he launched BUZZ – Communication Agency for Social Economy.
Ana Oliveira
Areas of interest/work: Strategic and Operational Planning, Program and Project Management, Team management and orientation, Professional Supervision, Personal and Professional Development.
Ana Oliveira has a Ph.D. in Social Work by the Universidade Católica Portuguesa/ Portuguese Catholic University. Her professional career is multifaceted in the area of social and community intervention with children/young people and families, and in multicultural contexts, having been promoter and coordinator of projects with these publics, and assuming team and technical coordination in third sector organizations.
The desire to leave a mark in the world and to be part of the solution it was always what inspired her most in life, and from early on, made her choices on a commitment to social change.
Has a restless and unsatisfied spirit, which seeks social justice and human dignity. Loves to travel and meet new cultures and people, and if she could she wouldn’t do anything else, recording moments, conversations and people.
Music has always been part of your life, and through it finds points of contact with the world.
Believes she can make a difference in the world through education, training citizens competent and capable of transforming the world, and that is why she currently assumes the pedagogical coordination and teaching in different degrees of training in Social Work of the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Portuguese Catholic University. She coordinates the Post-Graduation of Evaluation in Programs and Social Projects, of Artistic Practices and Social Inclusion, and of Project Management in Cooperation for Development.
Consultancy and training come into her life as a way to help discover and empower individual, group and community capacities, knowing that this can transform the world. With experience in management, planning and evaluation of projects, performs professional supervision in different intervention contexts and carries out consultancy and training in the areas of planning, management and evaluation of programs and projects, strategic territorial planning, leadership and team management.
Pedro Antunes
Areas of interest/work: Strategic and Operational Planning, Evaluation, Quality Management, video and music production.
Curiosity is often his main motivation to do, to experiment and to seek to develop new or redo the old in new ways. He balances the interest for experimentation with the appetence to analytical dimensions and effort of objectification.
Passionate by music, whether it is listening to others’, creating his own or putting his guitars at the service of collaboration with other creators. Other regular artistic practices are video and photography production.
He holds a degree in sociology from ISCTE (Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa) and he doesn’t avoid a lively debate of ideas, where it can be exchanged, enriched and consolidated points of view on the world, politics or history.
Professionally, what he most appreciates is the possibility of knowing new realities, whether organizational or even individual, seeking to understand the differences that make unique the processes and impact of the work of each organization, team or person.
In this sense, it is important to be a consultant and trainer in the Logframe team, having the possibility of developing work and skills along with a very diverse set of organizations and teams, in the creation of products and in the pursuit of goals, also differentiated.
Filipa Barreiros
Áreas de interesse/trabalho: intervenção comunitária / gerontologia / avaliação
Optimista, inconformada, crente nos valores humanos e na capacidade de que, em relação, é possível construir a mudança.
Voluntária numa associação juvenil e em universidades sénior, desde cedo se envolveu em atividades na comunidade. A natação continua a fazer parte da sua vida e, sempre que possível, não perde a oportunidade de caminhar.
Mestre em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde, pela Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, dedicou parte do seu percurso profissional à intervenção comunitária, na área da infância e juventude e com séniores, em organizações do terceiro setor. O seu interesse e motivação pelo “Envelhecimento”, fez com que continuasse a investir na sua formação académica, tendo em 2014 concluído o Mestrado em Saúde e Envelhecimento, na Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Desde 2012 tem colaborado em projetos de investigação, nomeadamente sobre a prevalência das perturbações neuropsiquiátricas do idoso e o acesso a cuidados formais na demência.
Pertencer à equipa Logframe é aceitar o desafio de poder contribuir para a mudança social.
Ana Isabel Carlos, is a psychologist with more than 10 years of experience who has developed much of her professional …
Ana Isabel Carlos
Areas of interest / work: Evaluation, Planning, Monitoring, Personal and Social Development, Education, Emotional Intelligence, Community Intervention, Human Rights, Work by project.
Ana Isabel Carlos, is a psychologist with more than 10 years of experience who has developed much of her professional trajectory in the social and community area, area for which she has a special interest.
Master in Community Intervention and Protection of Minors, by Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE), and Graduated in Clinical Psychology from Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada (ISPA), has extensive experience working with youth, families and the community, in particular in disadvantaged social contexts, from a systemic intervention perspective.
She was part of the Youth and the Community Intervention Nuclei of the Centro Social Paroquial do Campo Grande were she performed functions as psychology and coordinator. She collaborated as an external evaluator of social projects at the Center for Studies of Peoples and Cultures of Portuguese Expression at the Universidade Católica de Lisboa, and also held project management functions at Instituto Padre António Vieira. She integrates the team of the Integrated Support Center of the Associação Mutualista Mussoc, where she carries out psychological and educational counselling to children and young people and vocational and professional guidance.
Driven by the sense of service, and by the will to make a difference at a social level. Her great inspiration is the people, believing in the transforming power of the Human Being, and in that sense, considers it essential to build responses that contribute to the integrated and integral development of each person, group or community.
She likes challenges that contribute to her personal and professional growth process. Travelling is one of her greatest passions by the possibility of creating bridges with different cultures. Interested in searching for creative solutions, and by the construction of pedagogical materials. She likes different artistic expressions, in particular photography, an interest that has been developing in a self-taught way.
Patrícia Peralta
Areas of interest / work: Evaluation, Planning, Monitoring, Financial and Project Management, Education.
With a Post-Graduation and Degree in Social Work by the Portuguese Catholic University/ Universidade Católica Portuguesa, her career in the social area has more than 10 years, and has always been connected to the intervention with families, children and young people. She integrated the Progride Program, which enabled her to contact with a multidimensional intervention, through a project with innovative practices. Subsequently, she coordinated projects in educational contexts in a third sector institution.
Has financial management experience and in information systems, and, currently, is part of the social bodies of an IPSS.
Believes in social change and knows that this is only achieved with small conquests, made of advances and setbacks. Scouting was a school of life in her personal formation and volunteering in the community has always been present in her life. Family, Photography and Nature are refuges and sources of balance in your life.