who we are 2018-11-29T20:41:36+00:00
Let’s change the world together!
Paulo Teixeira
Paulo TeixeiraCEO
“Success is a Choice!”
(Rick Pitino)

Paulo Teixeira, born in Lisbon where he still lives today, is a sociologist with more than 20 years of work experience in the area of social intervention in Portugal and internationally…

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Ana Oliveira
Ana OliveiraCOO
“I do not resign myself to that, when I die, the world continues as if I had not lived” (Pedro Arrupe)

Ana Oliveira has a PhD in Social Work by the Universidade Católica Portuguesa/ Portuguese Catholic University. Her professional….

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Pedro Antunes
Pedro Antunes
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” (Nelson Mandela)

Curiosity is often his main motivation to do, to experiment and to seek to develop new or redo the old in new ways. He balances the interest for experimentation with the appetence ….

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Filipa Barreiros
Filipa Barreiros
“The essential is invisible to the eyes” (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

Volunteer in a youth association and in senior universities, from an early age she became involved in community activities. Swimming continues to be a…

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Ana Isabel Carlos
Ana Isabel Carlos
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” (Mahatma Gandhi)

Ana Isabel Carlos, is a psychologist with more than 10 years of experience who has developed much of her professional …

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Patricia Peralta
Patricia Peralta
“Try and leave this world a little better than you found it”

With a Post-Graduation and Degree in Social Work by the Portuguese Catholic University/ Universidade Católica Portuguesa, her…

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If we are able to help others succeed, more successful we will be